What stood once in the place of this skyscraper? Who lived in this tenement? How did this destroyed building look 100 years ago? Certainly not once wandering around the city you asked yourself these questions.
As a group of enthusiasts working on the City Talks project, we have been following these questions every day for many months. That is why we have read hundreds of historical books, novels, journals, memories, reports in the Archive of Oral History and the Ringelblum Archive. We were surfing the Internet and reading blogs and city portals.
We could not, of course, omit archival newspapers either. What pearls can be extracted from the pre-war press? You will find out by walking around the city with City Talks app. For now we can share a good example based on a short story from the newspaper entitled ‘Dobry Wieczór’ (‘Good Evening’) on April 27, 1932:
Today, in the morning at No. 5 Niecała Street, in the cosmetics plant of Władysław Klimecki, a beautician who lives there for half a year, 24-year-old Irena Szczepańska, ran out of her room and fell into the bedroom of the owner of the plant, 85-year-old Klimecki, shouting:” I poisoned myself ” she fell on the chair and lost consciousness. Asked by an Ambulance doctor – a desperate woman said she swallowed three sublimate tablets. After rinsing the stomach, desperate in a heavy state was transported to the Infant Jesus hospital. The reason for this trial of suiside was probably a misunderstanding with her fiance.